Petro Pros Presentations
IPRB’s “Petro Pros” presentation program provides educators a direct link to Illinois Basin oil and natural gas industry professionals. These “Petro Pros” provide students and educators insights on the oil and natural gas industry, with emphasis on the science and math skills utilized to find oil and natural gas, in addition to explaining the importance of oil and natural gas to everyday life.
"Petro Pros" presentations are geared to suit the following age groups:
* 3rd through 6th Grades
* Junior High
* High School
Zoom "Petro Pro" Presentations Offered
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and likely restrictions on in-school presentations, IPRB will be offering virtual "Petro Pros" presentations via Zoom during the 2020-21 school year.
IPRB Executive Director Seth Whitehead also participates in the "Petro Pros" presentations to answer any questions about the oil and natural gas industry. Whitehead is also available upon request to conduct presentations on a wide variety of topics, including oil and gas careers and current issues.
Illinois Oil Industry Statistics